it was just a bet with myself to succeed upload an image into this tortured me a lot, wandering me from page to page, from url to url, but because one month ago this would seem impossible to me i wanted to do i did it..let's go further on now..i like computing..i like the internet and i'm going to learn it and when i say i'll do it, i will..there is nothing else i achievied in my life as well as reading and that's another field that is tailored on me..i know i'll be good on it also..may be it seems egoistic to say, but sometimes may be it's neccessary to give yourself some's good for the soul..especcially if generally you 've done a disaster with your life and the goals it's suppossed you should hane achieved..if you achieved nothing of what was expected from you but you are, at least, ok with yourself inside..On the down down of the writing (!!!) i have a personal myth..not many people do..
And on the other hand we don't know what the future keeps for anybody..suddenly i woke up and found myself all grown did this happen..didn't have the time to realize..and now i must work with what's left..but i am an optimistic person..some of us are destined to be recognized when they grow old..and, God, i truly believe that i deserve, everybody does, a second and maybe a third chance..i did not harmed anybody else but myself, i was not a robber, i was not a killer..just rebel..must i be punished much, much more for this? ..i allready lost my dearest person in father..he was keeping my teenager feeling fo myself for i must learn to live as a grown uper and responsible to myself cannot be so terrifies me..but i strongly suspect i will manage..and God the end God allways saves the queen...