Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Αντε καλή χρονιά κι ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος..

Αντε γρήγορα, γρήγορα, λες κι έχουν ή δίνουμε και κανα νόημα στις ευχές που λέμε, το νόημα είναι στα μαγαζιά, στις βιτρίνες, στα μπουζούκια, στα μπάρ, στην καλοπέραση, φίλε μου..όλα τ’άλλα είναι φιλοσοφίες για αποτυχημένους..χριστούγεννα και πρωτούγεννα, όλες οι μέρες ίδιες είναι..έχεις χρήμα? Έχεις δύναμη..όλοι σε σέβονται, όλοι σ’εκτιμούν , ο κόσμος στα πόδια σου..ο κόσμος είναι φτιαγμένος για τους δυνατούς, κι όλα αυτά γιορτές και τα λοιπά, όλα αυτά γίναν για να αναδεικνύονται οι επιτυχημένοι, αυτοί που έχουν να ξοδέψουν, να διασκεδάσουν, να παν στην Αράχωβα, στο Σαιν Μόριτς, στην Πέγκυ Ζήνα, στον Ρέμο..να βγούν στην τηλεόραση, να χορέψουν , να γελάσουν..

Να, κοίτα τους άρχοντες του κόσμου..Τι κάνουν τις γιορτινές μέρες? Αν δεν κάνουν τίποτα απ’τα παραπάνω, και αισθάνονται λίγο θλιμμένοι, παρατάσουν τις βόμβες κι αρχίζουν και ρίχνουν κι όποιον πάρει ο Χάρος..γιατί? θα φοβηθούν κανένα? Πέρασαν οι μέρες που φοβόντουσαν..τώρα έχουν την δύναμη με το μέρος τους..ποιός να τους αντισταθεί? Κάτι αλήτες εκεί, ξεβράκωτοι, με τις πέτρες στα χέρια? Αυτοί ρε δεν έχουν να φάν, θα σηκώσουν και κεφάλι? Και άντε και σηκώνουν , τι να πετύχουν? Απέναντι υπάρχει μηχανή..Μηχανή αρματωμένη, από πάνω μέχρι κάτω κι από μέσα μέχρι έξω..και με όπλα και με ιδεολογία..την ιδεολογία του Δυνατού..Αυτό είναι το πρότυπο, κι όλα τα άλλα είναι παραμύθια για μικρά παιδιά..και για τους αδύναμους..τα είπαμε..

Τι να θυμηθούμε τώρα..ότι κάποιος θεός γεννήθηκε, ότι μίλησε για αγάπη, ότι αγκάλιασε τα παιδιά, τις γυναίκες, τους άρρωστους , ότι τους άπλωσε το χέρι, τους γιάτρεψε, τους έδωσε ελπίδα και όραμα?

Ε, και τι σημαίνει αυτό? Ότι πρέπει να γίνουμε κι εμείς έτσι? Τι? Ότι ίσως θα μπορούσαμε, έστω και για λίγες μέρες να σκεφτούμε και τις οικογένειες στην άκρη της πόλης? Που δεν έχουν δουλειά, που δεν έχουν δέντρα στολισμένα, που δεν έχουν φώτα? Και να δώσουμε κάτι απ’αυτά που έχουμε εμείς που τάχουμε όλα? Τους γερασμένους ανθρώπους που μείναν μόνοι στη ζωή και δεν έχουν κανένα ούτε να τους αγοράσει τα φάρμακα? Τους άτυχους, τους μοναχικούς, τους άρρωστους, τους φυλακισμένους, τους χαροκαμένους, τους παρίες της ζωής?

Σιγά, εγώ δεν είδα στην τηλεόραση τόσες μέρες να ασχολείται κανένας με τέτοια πράγματα..Είδα βόμβες να πέφτουν και να σκοτώνονται παιδιά..είδα νοσοκομεία στις φλόγες και άνθρωποι αλλόφρονες να τρέχουν να σωθούν από κάποιους υπεροπλισμένους που ρίχναν καπνούς απ’τα χέρια τους..είδα παιδιά να σκοτώνονται χωρίς αιτία..είδα λαμπερά φουστάνια να παρελαύνουν όλη μέρα με ωραίες κυρίες..είδα την ψυχολόγο της πρωινής εκπομπής να χορεύει ζειμπεκιά περιχαρής για τα κάλη της και τα κιλά της..είδα αυτοκίνητα πολυτελείας να χαρίζονται σε κάποιους πλασματικούς ανθρώπους, ξέρω πόσο κάνει η σουίτα στο Σαιν Μόριτς τη βραδιά..δεν είδα ούτε μοναχικούς που λές εσύ, ούτε άρρωστους, ούτε φτωχούς..ούτε καμμιά αγάπη είδα..

Είδα προσποίηση, είδα κομπασμό, είδα αναισθησία, δεν βρήκα πουθενά το μέτρο το ανάλογο με την καθημερινή ζωή και τις ανάγκες της..πόσο μάλλον το μέτρο το ανάλογο με κάποιες άγιες μέρες, ούτε με την άγια , σιωπηλή νύχτα του νέου χρόνου..

Δεν ήρθε κανένα παιδί στη πόρτα μου να μου τραγουδήσει..γιατί τα παιδιά τα έχουμε φυλακισμένα στα διαμερίσματα και στις υψηλές φιλοδοξίες, κι όσα τολμούν να βγούν έξω τα πυροβολούμε..και τα παιδιά είναι σαν τα πουλιά..τρομάζουν και φεύγουν…και δεν μας δίνουν ούτε το γέλιο τους , ούτε το τραγούδι τους πιά..

Και τι αξίζει ένας κόσμος που δεν μπορεί να ακουστεί το τραγούδι των παιδιών?

Ενας έρημος, βομβαρδισμένος κόσμος..

Όσα ψεύτικα στολίδια και να κρεμάσουμε, όσες πανάκριβες βιτρίνες και να στήσουμε σα σκηνικό, τίποτα απ’όλα αυτά δεν θα μπορέσει να γεμίσει την καρδιά και την ψυχή..

Γιατί αυτό που γεμίζει τις ψυχές είναι πολύ απλό και δεν αγοράζεται με λεφτά, φίλοι μου..

Είναι αυτό που έχουμε ξεχάσει..

Να αγκαλιάσουμε με αγάπη τον άνθρωπο δίπλα μας και να πούμε μέσα απ’την καρδιά μας μια απλή ευχή:

Na είμαστε καλά αδερφέ μου, να είμαστε καλά, να αντέξουμε..

World rallies around Palestinians amid Gaza offensive -

World rallies around Palestinians amid Gaza offensive -

τι να κάνει ο κόσμος? η σιωπή των επίσημων αντιπροσώπων των κρατών είναι εκκωφαντική..τι συμμορία αλητών είναι αυτή ? σε διεθνές επίπεδο..δεν καταλαβαίνουν αυτοί ούτε χριστούγεννα ούτε τίποτα..μόνο απ'τους νέους ανθρώπους εδώ ζητούσαν να κάνουν ανακωχή για τα χριστούγεννα..τους πήρε ο πόνος..το είδαμε έμπρακτα..έ, ρε φωτιά και τσεκούρι..

Blogged with the Flock Browser

αυτό το σχόλιο έπρεπε να δημοσιευτεί !

Κοπέλα μου καλή τι να κάνεις στην Αμερική? ειναι δυνατόν να σε τυφλώνουν οι γιαλιστερές εικόνες και να ξεχνάς τι εχουν να δούν τα μάτια σου?!Βέβαια, αυτοί ειναι μέτρ στο να τα κρύβουνε... Κρύβονται όμως τα υπαίθρια συσσίτια? ολοι αυτοί που τους κατάντησαν αργόσχολους,να πάνε πέρα δώθε χωρίς ελπίδα να βρούν δουλειά,γιατι που θα πάει θ'απολυθούνε.. Με τον τρόμο ζωγραφισμένο στα μάτια κι'ολο το κορμί,που θα ζει τώρα,αφου το σπιτάκι του τ'οχασε πάνω στα παιχνιδια των κοιλαράδων τραπεζιτών που τζογάρανε στη πλάτη του για ..μερικά Δίς ακόμα... Με την οργή στο πρόσωπο για τα golden boys που τις οικονομίες του τις παίζανε μονά - ζυγά,κόκκινα - μαυρα,στο τελευταίο νούμερο του αμαξιού που θα περάσει.. παντού και πάντα χωρίς τον υποτυπώδη ελεγχο, τάζοντας κέρδος 50%-100%,λαγούς με πετραχύλια... Που νάξερε ο κακομοίρης πόσο αδίστακτος ειναι ο σκληρός αυτός καπιταλισμός και πόσο ποιό αδυ ΕΚΕΙφάγος θα γίνει... Αντε καλά στα
5άστερα ξενοδοχεία, στα σαλέ, στις δεξιώσεις, στα καπιτώλια κι'οπου αλλού η χλιδή περισεύει. Στούς υπόγειους σταθμούς? Κάτω απο τις γέφυρες? Στις παγωμένες πλατείες? Στα χιονισμένα παγγάκια? Εκει με τα χαρτόκουτα κι'εφτά νομά σε μια κουβέ?.. Στο ίδιο μέρος που για 30$ γεννιούνται εγγληματίες που απλά πεινούσαν ισως, ή μπορεί να πέλευαν για τη δική τους εξάρτηση...που την κακιά στιγμή ειχαν όπλο κι'οπως η κοινωνία διαβαθμίζει την ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη, δεν θέλαν και πολύ να πατήσουν τη σκανδάλη. ΕΚΕΙ, ειναι η ίδια Αμερική,που 100μ.,150μ.κάτω απ'τη γή, στα μυστικά τους καταφύγια πέφτουν πάνω στη σκακιέρα και προγραμματίζουν τις καταστροφικές τους δολοπλοκίες για 10 χρόνια μπροστά...Μήπως κανείς σκέφτεται οτι κι'ο Μπαράκ δε θα κάνει το ίδιο? Ο.Κ., στην αρχή θα μοιράσει τιποτα επιδόματα,ενισχύσεις συσσίτια,5ωρες ελαστικού ωράριου , δουλίτσες κι'ωσπου τον ..παίρνει!! Μα τι να λέμε τώρα, ειναι δυνατόν την παραπολυδάπανη εκστρατεία του να χρηματοδότησαν κροίσοι,τραπεζίτες,κεφάλαιο σ'ολες του τις μορφές,πολεμική βιομηχανία, star-system,τα ποιό ακραία λόμπυ στην Αμερική,κι'αυτός να κοιτάξει τον απλό πολίτη στα μάτια χωρίς ντροπή,γιατι θα τον κοροιδέψει σε ..λίγο?! Απο πότε συμπείπτουν τα συμφέροντα του κεφάλαιου και των εργαζομένων? που το λέει αυτό? καινούργιο ειναι? Πως θα δεί τον μικρομεσαίο Αμερικανό οταν ..πριμοδοτήθηκε με Δίς δολάρια απ'τα μεγάλα Trast? Η ποιό προωθημένη απόφαση του - και μακάρι-ειναι η συμετοχη της Αμερικής στα οικολογικά Foroums,Κιάτο κ.λ.π. Ισως να θέλει να κανει άλλα ο νέος πρόεδρος,ειναι ομως ΑΔΥΝΑΤΟ να μπορεί!!...ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΜΕ ΥΓΕΙΑ!!

Είναι το σχόλιο του αγαπημένου μου συνεργάτη και δικού μου ανθρώπου στο δικό μου "i wanna go to america"..νομίζω ότι έπρεπε να πάρει τη θέση που του αξίζει..

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas in New York..i wanna go to america.
office building on avenue of the americas

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Και περάσανε μέρες πολλές μέσα σε λίγην ώρα.



Τις ημερες εκεινες εκαναν συναξη μυστικη τα παιδια και λαβανε την αποφαση,
επειδη τα κακα μαντατα πληθαιναν στην πρωτευουσα, να βγουν εξω σε πλατειες με
το μονο πραγμα που τους ειχε απομεινει : μια παλαμη τοπο κατω απο τ' ανοιχτο
πουκαμισο, με τις μαυρες τριχες και το σταυρουδακι του ηλιου. Οπου ειχε κρατος
η Ανοιξη.

Και επειδη σιμωνε η μερα που το Γενος ειχε συνηθιο να γιορταζει τον αλλο
Σηκωμο, τη μερα παλι εκεινη ορισανε για την Εξοδο. Και νωρις εβγηκανε
καταμπροστα στον ηλιο, με πανου ως κατου απλωμενη την αφοβια σα σημαια, οι
νεοι με τα πρησμενα ποδια που τους ελεγαν αλητες. Και ακολουθουσανε αντρες
πολλοι, και γυναικες, και λαβωμενοι με τον επιδεσμο και τα δεκανικια. Οπου εβλεπες
αξαφνα στην οψη τους τοσες χαρακιες, που 'λεγες ειχανε περασει μερες πολλες μεσα
σε λιγην ωρα.

Τετοιας λογης αποκοτιες, ωστοσο, μαθαινοντες οι Αλλοι, σφοδρα ταραχτηκαν.
Και τρεις φορες με το ματι αναμετρωντας το εχει τους, λαβανε την αποφαση να βγουν
εξω σε δρομους και σε πλατειες, με το μονο πραγμα που τους ειχε απομεινει: μια
πηχη φωτια κατω απ' τα σιδερα, με τις μαυρες κανες και τα δοντια του ηλιου. Οπου
μητε κλωνος μητε ανθος, δακρυο ποτε δεν εβγαλαν. Και χτυπουσανε οπου να 'ναι,
σφαλωντας τα βλεφαρα με απογνωση. Και η Ανοιξη ολοενα τους κυριευε. Σαν να μην
ητανε αλλος δρομος πανω σ' ολακερη τη γη, για να περασει η Ανοιξη παρα μοναχα
αυτος, και να τον ειχαν παρει αμιλητοι, κοιταζοντας πολυ μακρια, περ' απ' την ακρη
της απελπισιας, τη Γαληνη που εμελλαν να γινουν, οι νεοι με τα πρησμενα ποδια που
τους ελεγαν αλητες, και οι αντρες, και οι γυναικες, και οι λαβωμενοι με τον επιδεσμο
και τα δεκανικια.

Και περασανε μερες πολλες μεσα σε λιγην ωρα. Και θερισανε πληθος τα θηρια,
και αλλους εμαζωξαν. Και την αλλη μερα εστησανε στον τοιχο τριαντα.


ΤΗΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ ηλιε νοητε * και μυρσινη συ δοξαστικη
μη παρακαλω σας μη * λησμοναται τη χωρα μου!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

sponsor a child!

make a difference in the world! sponsor a child today and one day you 'll understand the great meaning of it! actionaid is entirely trustworthy..i did and i am not shamed to say that i feel proud about warms my heart to think that i do even this little much for our planet's biggest problem..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

my whole, or almost, presense on the web

More rioting in Athens, Greece

More rioting in Athens, Greece
Για τον Αλέξανδρο
Για μας
Γιατί μπουχτίσαμε
Γιατί δεν πάει άλλο
Γιατί η βία φέρνει βία και μη παραπονιέστε

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, December 08, 2008



Ευτυχώς έπεσε η νύχτα τελικά..

Ευτυχώς έπεσε η νύχτα τελικά. Ολη μέρα φυσούσε ένας καυτός λίβας. Λίβας του Αυγούστου. Ολος ο Αυγουστος φέτος ήταν καυτός. Καυτός και στις μέρες του, καυτός και στην ψυχή μας. Εκείνα τα καυτά ατέλειωτα μεσημέρια, που λές κι έχει σταματήσει ο χρόνος στον αντικατοπτρισμό του δρόμου παρά πέρα..τόσο που ως κι οι πεθαμένοι υποφέρουν..τους νοιώθεις..είναι καρφωμένοι συνέχεια στη σκέψη σου..που είναι ? Λείπουν.
Είναι στιγμές που δεν αντέχεις..λιγώνει η καρδιά..πλαντάζει..και κάνεις κουράγιο..σιωπηλά..καμμιά φορά κάποιο δάκρυ..έτσι είναι..λίπασμα για τη γη είμαστε όλοι..δεν πίστευα ποτέ ότι θα φτάσει η ώρα που θα μετράω τα χρόνια που μου μένουν..να ζήσω..τόσο γλυκιά και τόσο πικρή η γεύση της ζωής..
Ακούγεται ένας σκύλος να γαυγίζει συνέχεια μέσα στο σκοτάδι..οι γρύλοι..τώρα όλα ησυχάζουν..καταλαγιάζουν.. η γή παίρνει βαθιές ανάσες..τα δέντρα θροίζουν ..όλα ετοιμάζονται να ξαναγεννηθούν το χάραμα..μονάχα ο άνθρωπος ακουλουθεί απαρέγκλιτα την πορεία προς την φθορά..δεν υπάρχει επιστροφή..τουλάχιστον να είναι τόσο γεμάτες οι ώρες όπως όταν σιωπάς και εναρμονίζεσαι με τα πάντα γύρω σου..και το μόνο που ζητάς είναι να πεθάνεις σα δέντρο..και να φυτέψεις κι ένα δέντρο πριν πεθάνεις..τώρα ακούγεται και κάποιο κρουστό κάπου μέσ’τη νύχτα ..το ακούω σχεδόν κάθε βράδυ αυτό το μακρυνό τύμπανο..τι είναι ..και ποιος το χτυπάει? Και λές να σημαίνει τίποτα?
Όλα κάτι σημαίνουν..μόνο που είμαστε τόσο εγωιστικά απορροφημένοι στην καθημερινότητα που χάνουμε την επαφή με την ουσία..όχι, δεν είναι οι δικοί μας κανόνες το πιο απαραίτητο πράγμα πάνω στον πλανήτη..είναι απαραίτητοι, αλλά όχι ότι πιο πολύτιμο πάνω του..είναι άλλα τα σημαντικά και τα σπουδαία..κι είναι λίγοι αυτοί του είδους μας που ανακαλύπτουν κάποια άκρη..που ανασηκώνουν λίγο το πέπλο των μυστικών του σύμπαντος..
Την νύχτα που ούρλιαζε η μάνα μου στον ύπνο της, έπρεπε να καταλάβω ότι η μαρίκα είχε αφήσει την ψυχή της ελεύθερη..να ενωθεί με αυτόν που της την δάνεισε..κι έστελνε σήμα σ’αυτούς που αγαπούσε πιο πολύ..στην αρχή νόμισα ότι ήταν γάτα ή σκύλος και η πρώτη σκέψη ήταν «θάνατος»..μετά τρόμαξα..φοβήθηκα για τον δικό μου άνθρωπο..έτσι είμαστε..και μετά..το βράδυ που ξύπνησα στην αλόννησο και είπα στον τούλη «έπρεπε να βάλουμε κι ένα πορτοκαλί τούλι» και είχα δεί εκείνη την πάλευκη κουνουπιέρα να αστράφτει μέσα στο άπειρο, έπρεπε να καταλάβω ότι το σύμπαν έκανε την κηδεία μιάς ψυχής..της ψυχής της θείας μου..
Δεν μπορώ να γράψω όμως ακόμα γι’αυτό…πονάει πολύ..οι πληγές δεν πιάνονται αμέσως με τα χέρια..πρώτα πρέπει να κλείσουν για να μπορέσεις να τις αγγίξεις λίγο..
Μόνο για τον πατέρα μου δεν είδα τίποτα. Δε χρειάστηκε. Ολο μου το είναι ήξερε. Χάθηκε η γή κάτω απ’τα πόδια μου. Μόνο στον τούλη είπα « δεν θέλω να τα ζήσω αυτά που έρχονται» . Ηταν ακόμα στο νοσοκομείο ο πατέρας μου. Μετά τα γεγονότα λειτουργούν σα ναρκωτικά. Είσαι αναγκασμένος να κάνεις συγκεκριμένα πράγματα, άσχετα αν η ψυχή σου θέλει να πέσει κάτω, στο χώμα, και να κλάψει μέχρι να λιώσει.. Πρέπει να ντυθείς, πρέπει να χαιρετήσεις, πρέπει να…και ας είσαι πιά όχι ο μισός άνθρωπος..έχει φύγει το πιο γλυκό, το πιο καλό, το πιο στητό κομμάτι του εαυτού σου..και μετά..
Υποκρίνεσαι..ότι μπορείς να ζήσεις χωρίς τις ρίζες σου…σαν το δέντρο εκείνο στην παραλία στην αλόννησο που είχε γραπατσωθεί στο χώμα..στο χώμα που είχε πάθει καθίζηση απ’το κύριο μέρος του βουνού κι είχε κατέβει μέχρι κάτω στην παραλία..κάπως έτσι..
Τώρα καταλαβαίνω γιατί οι άνθρωποι δημιουργούν οικογένειες..για ρίζες..ζείς όσο υπάρχουν άνθρωποι που σ’αγαπούν και σε νοιάζονται σ’αυτόν τον κόσμο..πρέπει να είναι πολύ δυνατοί άνθρωποι οι άνθρωποι που για τον ένα ή τον άλλο λόγο βρέθηκαν μόνοι στη ζωή και αναγκάστηκαν να μεγαλώσουν μόνοι και να παλέψουν μόνοι.. όταν πιά δεν θα υπάρχει κανένας δικός σου στην γη να σε θυμάται, τότε πεθαίνεις αλήθεια..
Εκτός αν φυτέψεις ένα δέντρο..το δέντρο είναι η δυνατότερη ρίζα για όλους μας.. για τα βουνά, για τα νησιά, για τους ανθρώπους ..για τη ζωή..για τον πλανήτη..τα μπαομπάμπ του μικρού πρίγκηπα..ένας πλανήτης με μπαομπάμπ..αυτό είναι ο καθένας μας..αν είναι τυχερός και δυνατός..αλλά έτσι η αλλιώς, πάντα θα χρειάζεται ένας μικρός πρίγκηπας να τα φροντίζει. Να τα κλαδεύει , να τα ποτίζει, να τα φυλάει απ’τον ήλιο, όπως το μικρό λουλούδι..άλλος λίγο, άλλος πολύ, όλοι χρειαζόμαστε ένα χέρι να μας φροντίζει, να μας ποτίζει, να μας φυλάει μη μας κάψει ο ήλιος, ο καυτός…ο ήλιος του αυγούστου..ο ήλιος της ζωής μας..

Monday, November 24, 2008

vote if you want!

i think it's important and it's up to us if we want our opinion to count..i think it's the second year the same event takes place and there are quite a lot of choices there! so..go for it!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance, 19-22 October 2008 - Dusit Hotel, Makati, Philippines

well, i received this mail and i find it quite inderesting..if a conference can make a difference in the world today..but because i am a positive person i don't want to start like this..and because i am a woman, i like to believe in women's power but not in the upper class women who are interestend in self promotion this and tell me what you think this can change and how can somedody react in this world today....and..and..and..take a look.

"Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance, 19-22 October 2008 - Dusit Hotel, Makati, Philippines"

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Greetings from the Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP) and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN-ISDR)!

We are pleased to invite you to the Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance which will be held on October 19-22, 2008 at the Dusit Hotel, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The theme of the congress is “Gender and Climate Change”.

Women and environment experts have raised concern over the absence of women in the discourse and debate on climate change, a global mainstream issue that is currently impacting the entire world. The involvement of women in areas of environmental management and governance should not be perceived as an afterthought. Women's roles are of considerable importance in the promotion of environmental ethics.
The current imperative is for women to understand the phenomenon of climate change and its impacts and implications at the individual, household, community and national levels. Studies show that women have a definite information deficit on climate politics and climate protection. Only with this information can women take their proper, significant and strategic role in the issue of climate change.
Invited to this congress are women parliamentarians, women in decision - making and governance, environment organizations, youth Leaders and Media Practitioners
The Congress will have the following objectives:
Overall Purpose: To provide a forum for women legislators, and women in decision making and environment organizations at all levels, in formulating gender-responsive legislation and policies.

Specific Objectives:
a) To understand the phenomenon of climate change, its impacts and implications;
b). to review and examine the gender aspects of climate change and formulate appropriate actions to address such;
c). to define the roles women can play in addressing the issues of climate change at the global, national and sub-national levels; and
d). to identify and define the action agenda for parliamentarians, policy advocates and women leaders to support global and national actions to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Congress Proceedings:
The discussion on gender and climate change will be organized around identifying the challenges to action as well as defining the appropriate responses to effectively address the impacts of climate change. Inputs to the discussion will be collected and organized around: 1) geographic location and 2) types of actions: i.e. preparedness, risk reduction: building community resilience; adaptation; and mitigation. Cross cutting these discussions will be the identification of technologies in aid of responding to climate change.
The focus of the discussions will revolve around defining and elaborating actions (i.e. preparedness, disaster risk reduction, adaptation, and mitigation) to cope with climate change and its impacts.
Preparedness and disaster risk reduction is about building individual and community capacities to position themselves and their communities so that the likelihood of climate change-induced disasters is reduced; the intensity or adverse impacts of disasters are cushioned and that inhabitants are able to respond promptly, expeditiously and effectively. Adaptation entails actions that moderate harm, or exploit benefits, of climate change. Mitigation entails actions that minimizes or cushions the adverse impacts of climate change.
In all of these actions, special attention will be given to defining how women and gender could be mainstreamed. In other words, the Congress should define how women can be given the social space to participate, influence, and benefit from global and local responses to climate change.
The registration fee for the four day congress is One thousand five hundred fifty US Dollars (US$ 1,550.) per person for twin room sharing accommodations (two persons in one room) and one thousand nine hundred fifty US Dollars (US$ 1,950.) per person for single room accommodations (one person in one room). We are sending you the detailed information sheet (which contains the registration form) as an attachment to this email.

The training will be held on Oct 19-22, 2008. However, the participants will be requested to be in Manila the day before, October 18, 2008 and leave Manila only on October 23, 2008. The overnight hotel accommodation on October 18, 2008 is already included in the fee. Participants will be billeted in the Dusit Hotel, the venue of the congress and hotels near the Dusit Hotel, accessible within walking distance. Room accommodations in the Dusit Hotel, the venue of the Congress will be on a first come - first served basis.

You can also download the full information sheet and registration form for this Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance from our website,

Importance of the Congress

Today, on the average, one person out of nineteen in a developing country will be hit by a climate disaster, compared to 1 out of 1,500 in an OECD country. Climate change creates life time traps: in Niger, a child born during a drought is 72 percent more likely to be stunted than a child born during a normal season.

We hope that your organization can send participants to the Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance. The Theme of “Gender and Climate Change” is the first time this will be discussed in a forum whose objective is to formulate gender responsive legislation and policies for national governments and parliaments.

We truly hope that the environment organizations will find this forum a good opportunity to advocate gender and climate change policies and programs through gender responsive legislation to the women parliamentarians, decision makers, the youth leaders, media and the funding agencies/organizations. Let us join hands in promoting gender responsive governance through transformative leadership and citizenship. We are looking forward to your participation.

Very truly yours,

Dr. Jung Sook Kim
Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)

Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
YSTAPHIL Building, 4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street, Baclaran,
Parañaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel. (632) 8516934 (632) 8516954; Tele Fax: mobile phone +639184596603
E-mail:; ; Web: ;

The Third Global
Congress of Women in
Politics and Governance

Focus on Gender and Climate Change

Organized by the Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP) in partnership with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN-ISDR)

For Women Parliamentarians, Women in Decision - Making and Governance; Environment Organizations;
Youth Leaders and Media Practitioners; Funding/donor agencies/organizations

October 19-22, 2008
Dusit Hotel, Makati City
Metro Manila, Philippines

Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines,
Tel: (632)8516934; Tele Fax:(632) 8522112; mobile phone +639184596603
Email: ; ;
Web: ;
I. Background and Context

Climate change is the 21st century crisis. According to the United Nations Human Development Report “(I) it is still a preventable crisis The world is now at or near the warmest level on record in the current interglacial period, which began 12,000 years ago. There is strong evidence that the process is accelerating.”

The urgency of climate change was underscored by Faith Birol, the Chief Economist of the International Energy Agency: “Without serious policy shifts, we may be heading toward the double crisis of energy insecurity and climate change… The macroeconomics is clear, with prevention now costing a good deal less than adaptation later: 1 % of GDP if we act now and 5-20 % if we wait. …We must treat the earth as if we intended to stay…” The world has less than a decade to change its course.

Today, on average, one person out of 19 in a developing country will be hit by a climate disaster, compared to 1 out of 1,500 in an OECD country. Climate change creates life time traps: in Niger, a child born during a drought is 72 percent more likely to be stunted than a child born during a normal season.

“The direct economic cost of disasters is on the rise, recently costing $7.5 billion to China due to snowstorms, and $12.5 billion to Japan from one earthquake in 2007, and $5.5 billion to Germany from the windstorm Kyrill. Moreover, the indirect economic cost is usually more than that of direct economic cost. The political costs of neglecting substantive disaster reduction and management policies are also becoming increasingly clear. Public confidence in all levels of the United States government dropped in 2005 after perceived inadequacies of the government's preparedness for Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and in reaction to the inequalities the Hurricane revealed. Meanwhile, approval ratings of President Alan García of Peru rose five points on public perception of effective government disaster management immediately after the Peruvian earthquake of 2007.”

Increased exposure to drought, to more intense storms, to floods and environmental stress is holding back the efforts of the world's poor to build a better life for themselves and their children. In short climate change would stall and reverse progress in human development, including cutting down extreme poverty, health, education, nutrition.

Key mechanisms through which climate change could stall and then reverse human development:

1) General impact - climate change will affect rainfall, temperature and water availability for agriculture in vulnerable areas. For example, drought affected areas in sub-Saharan Africa could expand by 60-90 million hectares, with dry land zones suffering losses of US $25 billion by 2060; other developing regions will experience losses in agricultural production; those affected by malnutrition could rise to 600 million;
2) Water stress and water insecurity - an additional 1.8 billion people could be living in water scarce environment by 2080; Central Asia, Northern China and the

northern part of South Asia face immense vulnerabilities; seven of Asia's great river systems will experience an increase in flows over the short term;

3) Rising sea levels and exposure to climate change - over 70 million people in Bangladesh, 6 million in Lower Egypt and 22 million in Viet Nam could be affected; small island states in the Caribbean and the Pacific could suffer catastrophic damage; with over 344 million people currently exposed to tropical cyclones, more intensive storms could have devastating consequences for a large group of companies;

4) Ecology - Climate change is transforming ecological systems - with a 3 degree centigrade of warming, 20-30 percent of land species could face extinction;

5) Human health - major killer diseases could expand their reach due to the impacts of extreme summer and winter conditions and heat waves; for example, an additional 220- 400 million people could be exposed to malaria which already claims 1 million lives annually.
Global discussions on climate change have attempted to sketch a road map for coping with climate change. Actions must include: how to stop and reverse further global warming so that greenhouse gas emissions must fall to avoid rise in temperatures over 2 degrees centigrade from pre-industrial levels; how to live with the degree of global warming that cannot be stopped and how to design a new model for human progress and development that is climate proof and climate friendly and gives everyone a fair share of the natural resources on which we depend. In other words, coping efforts must include: 1) preparedness and disaster risk reduction and building community resilience; 2) adaptation; and 3) mitigation.
Climate change is global but its impacts are local. Concerted actions must therefore be undertaken at both the local and global levels. In this regard, certain preconditions must be observed as suggested by Bjorn Stigson, the President of the World Business for Sustainable Development:
· The first need is a common perception that we have a problem that must be addressed with some sense of urgency.
· We need a willingness by governments to actually do something about it; that belief is lacking as politicians do not yet see climate change as a decisive election issue
· We need a feeling that there is an equitable sharing of the costs for solving the problem.
· We need realistic options for solutions, for example, technologies that can create a more resource-efficient economy and/or eliminate greenhouse gases, such as carbon capture and storage. We do seem to possess an effective arsenal of technology options.
· We need the tools to implement these options: regulations, standards, economic instruments, voluntary actions by citizens and business, etc.: We possess those tools, but need the political will to use them
· We need funding for actions like technology development and deployment, as well restructuring societal infrastructure; such funding is lacking, but it could be provided if it was a political priority;
· We need a willingness on the parts of all economic actors to change behavior toward more sustainable lifestyles. This will depend on a number of the above-mentioned factors, but also on whether the actions are “profitable” within the prevailing economic paradigm.
· We need constructive cooperation between the key parts of society - governments, business and civil society. Such cooperation is lacking.

Why gender and climate change?
Differential impact on men and women. The Gender and Climate Change website states: “Climate change is not a neutral process; first of all, women are in general more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, not least because they represent the majority of the world's poor and because they are more than proportionally dependent on natural resources that are threatened. The technological change and instruments that are being proposed to mitigate carbon emissions, which are implicitly presented as gender-neutral, are in fact quite gender biased and may negatively affect women or bypass them.
The negotiation process tends to be driven by a masculine view of the problem and its solutions. Participation of women in the whole process, at international, national and local levels, is very low, both in the South and in the North; probably skills and resources need to be developed to overcome this.
Gender, like poverty, is a cross cutting issue in climate change and needs to be recognized as such. In fact, gender and poverty are interrelated and create mutually reinforcing barriers to social change. There is a need to be strident to overcome the uninformed view of many involved in climate change that climate change is neutral, and real life examples are needed to make the alternative case clear and convincing.” (Gender and Climate Change web site:
For example, women comprised the majority of those killed and who were least likely to recover in the 2005 Asian Tsunami. In Aceh, more than 75 percent of those who died were women, resulting in a male-female ratio of 3:1 among the survivors. As so many mothers died, there have been major consequences with respect to infant mortality, early marriage of girls, neglect of girls' education, sexual assault, trafficking in women, and prostitution. (In Gender aspects of climate change, Gender and Disaster Network, 2005/REF).
If action on climate change is partly about reducing vulnerability and building resilience, then it is important that vulnerable groups do not suffer disproportionately from its adverse effects. Women figure among such vulnerable groups. (Point de vue, Bulletin African Bioressources, Oct 2001)
Lack of women's participation. Women and environment experts have raised concern over the absence of women in the discourse and debate on climate change, a global mainstream issue that is currently impacting the entire world.
A document from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development states: “An overall assessment of the climate change debate to date shows women are patently absent in the decision-making process. Their contributions in environmental policies are largely ignored. Decision-making and policy formulation at environmental levels such as conservation, protection and rehabilitation, and environmental management are predominantly male agenda. The climate change debate is an indicator of how gender issues tend to be omitted, leaving room for complex market-driven notions equated in terms of emission reductions, fungibility and flexible mechanisms.
Nevertheless, in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development reflected in Agenda 21, one notes the key role ascribed to women as principle actors in the management of natural resources and the development of sustainable and ecologically sound policies. Perhaps the fact that there are few trained women environmental specialists tends to accentuate this gender deficit in environmental policy. Institutional weakness in women's organizations and under-representation informal decision-making are factors that lend to swing the pendulum away from their oft-valuable input.”
Women can contribute to the solution. The involvement of women in areas of environmental management and governance should not be perceived as an afterthought. Women's roles are of considerable importance in the promotion of environmental ethics. Their efforts in waste management through recycling and re-use of resources are an indication of the extent of their significant input to community development. Women in rural areas, due to their daily contact with the natural habitat for the provision of food, fodder and wood, tend to have sound ecological knowledge that could be useful in environmental planning and governance.
For example, during a drought in the small islands of the Federal States of Micronesia, it was local women, knowledgeable about island hydrology as a result of land-based work, who were able to find potable water by digging a new well that reached the freshwater lens. ((In Gender aspects of climate change, Gender and Disaster Network, 2005/REF)
Women must understand and engage in mainstream issues. Gender must therefore be taken up as part and parcel of these issues. Women must understand therefore how women are affected by these as well as how women can become part of the solution. In this spirit, the Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance will be organized in October 19-22, 2008, and its focus will be on gender and climate change.
“Discussions on action to alleviate the impacts of climate change are not simply a scientific debate. It is about questioning the ability of countries and their peoples to anticipate and respond effectively to the adverse human and physical effects of climate change. From a livelihood perspective, poor communities are potentially the big losers in the scramble for markets within the overall emissions trading and climate policy debates. Thus, efforts must be devoted to creating a situation in which all stakeholders - women included - can derive some benefit. Measures should include the demystification of the climate change issues in order to generate popular consensus… It is about creating opportunities that the poor could benefit from; giving them greater responsibility in environmental management: and creating environmentally friendly technologies that would generate revenue and jobs. “(Fatma Denton, Point de Vue, p. 2)
The current imperative is for women to understand the phenomenon of climate change and its impacts and implications at individual, household, community and national levels. “Studies show that women have a definite information deficit on climate politics and climate protection.” (Gender and Climate Change - a forgotten issue? In Tiempo Climate Newswatch)
Also, there is an urgent need for political leaders and legislators to commit to creating an enabling environment for responding to climate change and to address disaster risk reduction at a national and international level. More and more politicians and legislators have shown growing interest in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, but much of this has been concentrated in Europe. It is vitally important to extend the dialogue, and to involve legislators from different regions, especially those most vulnerable to the impact of disasters and climate change.
2. Objectives of the Congress
Specifically, the Congress will have the following objectives:
Overall Purpose: To provide a forum for women legislators at all levels in formulating gender-responsive legislation.
Specific Objectives:
a) to understand the phenomenon of climate change, its impacts, and its implications;
b) to review and examine the gender aspects of climate change and formulate appropriate actions to address these;
c) to define the roles women can play in addressing the impacts of climate change at the global, national and sub-national levels; and
d) to identify and define the action agenda for parliamentarians, policy advocates, and women leaders to support global and national actions to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
3. Papers
The discussion on gender and climate change will be organized around identifying the challenges to action, as well as defining the appropriate responses to effectively address the impacts of climate change. Inputs to the discussion will be collected and organized around: 1) geographic location; and 2) types of actions i.e. preparedness; risk reduction; building community resilience; adaptation; and mitigation. Cross cutting these discussions will be the identification of technologies in aid of responding to climate change.
The focus of the discussions will revolve around defining and elaborating actions (i.e. preparedness, disaster risk reduction, adaptation, and mitigation) to cope with climate change and its impacts.
Preparedness and disaster risk reduction is about building individual and community capacities to position themselves and their communities so that the likelihood of climate change-induced disasters is reduced; the intensity or adverse impacts of disasters are cushioned and that inhabitants are able to respond promptly, expeditiously and effectively. Adaptation entails actions that moderate harm, or exploit benefits, of climate change. Mitigation entails actions that minimizes or cushions the adverse impacts of climate change.
In all of these actions, special attention will be given to defining how women and gender could be mainstreamed. In other words, the Congress should define how women can be given the social space to participate, influence, and benefit from global and local responses to climate change.

Proposed Plenary Papers
· Perspectives in Climate Change: Development Challenges and Ways Forward and Technologies for Clean Energy and Environment Management
· Gender and Climate Change: What Can Women Do About Climate Change? A Proposed Action Agenda
· Gender, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Legislation
Environment organizations and all the other participants are welcome to share papers for distribution during the congress. These papers should be emailed in advance so that they can be included in the CD of resource materials that will be distributed to the participants during the congress.
4. Proposed Program

Date Activity
Day 1 Oct 19, 2008 Sunday Morning session 800-900 900 - 1030 1030 - 1245 1245 - 1345 1900 - 2200 Day 2 Oct. 20, 2008 Monday Morning Session 830 - 10:30 10:30 - 12:30 Lunch Evening Session Registration Opening Ceremonies Opening Speakers: · Host country Welcome Remarks Keynote Address: Setting the Stage for Gender Responsive Legislation on Climate Change Plenary Session 1 Perspectives in Climate Change: · Development Challenges · Solutions and Ways Forward Gender and Climate Change: · What Can Women Do About Climate Change? · Gender-responsive Legislation on Climate Change - What have we done so far? · A Proposed Action Agenda LUNCH Film Showing: “The Inconvenient Truth” FREE AFTERNOON Welcome Dinner/Cultural Night PLENARY SESSIONS Panel 1: Women in Politics and Governance · Progress of Women in Politics and Governance: Updates, Gaps and Areas for Further Action · Gender responsive Legislation in Aid of Climate Change Responses: Are women legislators engaged in the climate change responses? Panel 2: Gender and Climate Change · Mainstreaming Gender and the Role of Women in Climate Change Responses: Challenges, Approaches & Strategies · Gender, Disaster Risk Reduction and Legislation · Technologies for Responding to Climate Change: Do Women Have a Role to Play? WORKSHOPS Regional Perspectives on Climate Change: Focus: Challenges, Solutions and Ways Forward · Asia-Pacific · Western Asia · Africa · Caribbean and Latin America · Europe and North America
Day 3 Oct 21, 2008 Tuesday Morning Session Afternoon Sessions 1300 - 1400 1400 - 1500 1530 - 1630 1630 -1730 1730 - 1830 Day 4 Oct. 22, 2008 Wednesday Morning Session Lunch Afternoon Session Regional Perspectives on Climate Change: Focus: Drawing up the Gender Responsive Legislative Agenda · Asia-Pacific · Western Asia · Africa · Caribbean and Latin America · Europe and North America (Workshops will draw up a Gender Responsive Legislative Agenda for Action: National, Regional and Global) Plenary Session 2 Workshop Reports: · Asia Pacific · Western Asia · Africa · Caribbean and Latin America · Europe and North America Plenary Session Synthesis and Integration: Call to Action for a Gender Responsive Global Governance and Legislation for Managing Climate Change - Manila Declaration on Gender and Climate Change Closing Programme: Closing Speakers · Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP) · Representative from Asia Pacific · Representative from Western Asia · Representative from Africa · Representative from Caribbean and Latin America · Representative from Europe and North America Signing of the “Manila Declaration on Gender and Climate Change” Address Farewell Dinner/International Night
5. Knowledge Fair/Exhibition on Gender and Climate Change
A knowledge fair/Exhibition on Gender and Climate Change will be organized at the venue of the Congress: the Dusit Hotel. Participating organizations are invited to exhibit their materials for display or for sale. Those who are interested should contact the secretariat to make their booth reservations. There will be minimal charges for the rental of the booth. This is aside from the space that will be made available for all organizations to display and distribute materials that you would like to share with the other participants.
6. Expected Output
Expected Output: Gender Responsive Legislative Agenda on Climate change
7. Who Can Join?
· Women Parliamentarians
· Women in Decision-Making and Governance
· Environment Organizations
· Funding/donor organizations/agencies
· Members of media
· Youth Leaders
8. Venue of the Congress:
The Dusit Hotel, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines ( )
9. About the Organizer:
Global Network of Women in Politics
The Global Network of Women in Politics is a project of the Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP). It is a loose network of organizations and individuals who are committed to the agenda of transformation in leadership, politics and communities.
This network is committed to be the forum for Women Parliamentarians to meet every two years and learn about relevant gender issues that will enable them to promote gender responsive legislation.
From the beginning, CAPWIP has recognized the need for broad international support to effectively promote women's participation in politics. The Center studied previous efforts to create a global network for WIP. They found that some of the factors that hindered the creation of an effective network were that efforts had been confined either to a small group of elite women or research institutes and/or that it had a narrow focus of interest. Realizing that CAPWIP has no real model for a global network, the group decided to work slowly toward this ultimate objective.
Time and again, CAPWIP took advantage of opportunities to talk about what it was doing. One such break was the 1994 Taipei Global Summit on Women's Leadership in Politics. The summit brought together women interested in WIP and key CAPWIP personalities, among them Supartra Masdit, Kanwaljit Soin, Sylvia Ordonez, Irene Santiago, Sochua Leiper, Annette Lu Hsiu Lien, Leticia Ramos Shahani, Kao Tien Shang, Anne Summers, and Solita Monsod. International luminaries included Bella Abzug, Monica Barnes, Joaquima Alemay, Betty Bigombe and Kazimiera Prunskiene. The group agreed to work towards forming a global network and to meet at the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the Beijing World Conference to be held in New York in March 1995.
At the PrepCom, CAPWIP posted its invitation for a "Planning Workshop for the Preparatory Activities in Beijing for the Organization of the Global Network of Women in Politics." Hosted by the African-American Institute, the 17 March workshop was attended by a large group of women which included: Christine Pintat (Inter Parliamentary Union); Anita Amlen (Swedish Federaton of Liberal Women); Jytee Lindgard (National Council of Women in Denmark); Sdalwa Sharawy Gomaa (Social Research Center, Egypt); Malena de Montis (Centro Para La Participation Democratica y El Desarrollo, Nicaragua); Nadia Raveles (Women's Parliament Forum, Surinam); Dr. Pam Rajput (Punjab University); Slote Wananisan (Fiji Mission to the UN); Dr. Ilina Sen; NandiniAsad (Working Women's Forum, India), and Ayesha Khanam (Bangladesh Mahila Parishad). The African-American Institute, which had planned a WIP meting in Botswana, later, hosted the Planning Meeting for the Global Network of WIP held in Beijing.
Several steering committees were formed that would produce Regional WIP Platforms for Action for the Beijing Women's Conference. Focal points were established for the different regions: Nadia Raveles for Africa, Jytee Lindagard for Europe-North America, CAPWIP for Asia-Pacific, Salwa Gomaa for West Asia, and Malena de Montis for Latin America-Caribbean.
It was also agreed that a Global Network of Women in Politics (GLOBALNET) would be organized with CAPWIP serving as the permanent secretariat. In 1995, GLOBALNET was formally incorporated with CAPWIP serving as the permanent secretariat.
Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
The CENTER FOR ASIA-PACIFIC WOMEN IN POLITICS (CAPWIP) is a non-partisan, non-profit and non-governmental regional organization dedicated to promoting equal participation of women in politics, governance and decision-making. CAPWIP was established in 1992 by a group of women from the Asia-Pacific region who have defined their paradigm for change as:


TRANSFORMED because...

it uses power to create change, to develop people,
and to build communities;

it is non-hierarchical and participatory in its
structures and processes; and

it accords priority to the disadvantaged sectors,
such as the poor grassroots women in rural and
urban areas and indigenous women;


it is development-oriented, issue-based,
and gender-responsive;

it seeks economic, social, and political equity between sexes
and among sectors; and

it builds a society that is just and humane and
a way of life that is sustainable.

CAPWIP operates through a network of national affiliates clustered into five sub-regional groupings: Central Asia, East Asia, Pacific, South Asia and Southeast Asia. These sub-regional coordinating focal points and national affiliates are autonomous organizations actively involved in women's political empowerment in their respective countries.

CAPWIP supports its network through technical assistance in organizational and program planning, training, research and information sharing, advocacy and networking. CAPWIP receives administrative and program support through voluntary contributions from its board members and grants from bilateral and multilateral aid agencies such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Asia-Pacific Gender Equality Network (UNDP-APGEN), Regional Programme on Governance in the Asia-Pacific (UNDP-PARAGON), Southeast Asia Gender Equity Programme of the Canadian International Development Agency (SEAGEP-CIDA), United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

CAPWIP's programs on training include developing modules and training programs for women's leadership and responsible citizenship based on the framework of transformative leadership and conducts trainer's training for women's political empowerment, transformative leadership and gender-responsive governance.

The CAPWIP Institute for Gender, Governance and Leadership (CIGGL) aims to provide trainings to women and men involved in:

· Electoral politics (in all levels: national, provincial, city/municipality)
· The bureaucracy (in all levels: national, provincial, city/municipality)
· Political parties (officials and members)
· Training institutes (government, private sectors and non-government)
· The development of governance policies, programs and projects
· Working with NGOs, civil society groups interested in gender, governance and leadership; or
· Women and men who are simply interested in the question of gender, governance and leadership

10. Secretariat

Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines,
Tel: (632) 8516934; Tele Fax :( 632) 8522112; mobile phone +639184596603
Email: ; ;
Web: ;

11. Congress Cost per participant

Congress Cost Per participant with Twin Sharing Accommodation:
One thousand five hundred fifty five US Dollars (US$ 1,550.)

Congress Cost Per participant with Single Room Accommodation:
One thousand nine hundred fifty US Dollars (US$ 1,950)

These fees are inclusive of:

Congress fees
Transfer in and out of the hotel
Accommodations at the designated hotels
All congress materials
All meals during the Congress
Accommodations(excluding meals) for one night before the congress (October 18, 2008)

This fee, which does not include airfare and airport terminal fees, is non-refundable and must be paid in advance as soon as the reservation to the congress is confirmed. Congress fee payments should be sent/remitted to:

Account Name : Center for Asia-Pacific Women in
Politics or CAPWIP
Account Number : 710 271000417 4
Account Type : U.S. Dollar Savings Account
Bank's Name : Metropolitan Bank and Trust
Bank's Address : Magallanes Branch, Paseo de
Magallanes, Magallanes Village,

Unfortunately, scholarships are not available from the organizers. You are encouraged to seek your own funding from various donor/funding agencies or your own institutions. The organizers will rely solely on the congress fees to fund the congress expenses.

Please email us a copy of the wire transfer/remittance document as soon as funds have been remitted. Also, bring this document to the Congress for verification. Payments upon arrival are NOT allowed.

All participants must confirm their attendance on or before July 31, 2008. If we get fully booked before this date, you will be informed. This is the reason why you are all encouraged to book as early as possible. All accommodation types are available on a first-come first-served basis. If you are alone and you would like to request for a twin accommodation, we will inform you if we can pair you with another participant, otherwise, you may have to pay for a single room. Please send all registration forms to:

Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines,
Tel: (632) 8516934; Tele Fax :( 632) 8522112; mobile phone +639184596603
Email: ; ;
Web: ;

Accommodations beyond the congress period can be arranged. Participants will have to pay for the hotel charges in advance to secure the booking. These will also be remitted to the CAPWIP account.

12. Congress Schedule: 19-22 October 2008

The Congress is scheduled on October 19-22, 2008 .Participants are required to arrive one day before (Oct. 18) the start of the Congress and leave the day after the last Congress day (Oct 23,2008). This fee only includes the accommodation for the Oct 18, 2008 all meals for October 18 is for the personal account of the participants. Depending on your departure schedule, all meals for the October 23, 2008 except for the breakfast will be on the personal account of the participants. Meals for personal account of the participants will have to be paid in cash every time you incur them at the hotel. Charging of personal accounts in restaurant outlets of the hotel will not be allowed.

13. Target Participants

· Women Parliamentarians
· Women in Decision - Making and Governance;
· Environment Organizations
· Youth Leaders
· Media Practitioners
· Funding/donor agencies/organizations

Note: The policy of “first come - first served” will be applied in selecting the participants from among the applicants. Therefore, it is best that registration is made at the earliest possible time.

14. Medium of Instructions

English is the medium of Instruction. No translation will be available.

15. Congress Venue

The Dusit Hotel
Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines

16. Accommodations

The participants' accommodation will be booked at the Congress venue (Dusit Hotel) and other hotels in the same vicinity, all within walking distance from the Congress venue. For purposes of organization, the assignment of the hotels will be on a “first come first served” basis. The first that will confirm and pay their fees will be given accommodations at the hotel venue.

17. Food

The following meals, LUNCH, SNACK and DINNER, will be served at the Dusit Hotel. Breakfast will be served at your respective hotels (if you happen to be billeted at a hotel other than the official venue of the congress). We will be serving a variety of international dishes. We will also be serving one “halal” dish and one vegetarian dish with every meal.

18. Registration Form

Please fill up the Registration form found in pages 20 to 23 of this document and email it back to us together with the following documents:

· Latest Curriculum Vitae or Bio Data
· Latest electronic Photo (2x2)
· One (1) page narrative describing your reason/s for participation

The Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP),
4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Philippines
Tel: (632) 8516934;Tele Fax (632) 8522112; mobile phone +639184596603
E-mail:;; Web: ;

19. How to Get to the Congress Site

The CAPWIP staff will assist and bring the participants to the venue upon their arrival at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA). Representatives from the Department of Tourism (DOT) will meet each participant at the immigration arrival section of the airport and will escort them to the area where the CAPWIP staff will be waiting. CAPWIP will also provide transfer from the venue to the airport.

20. Reconfirmation of Return Flights

The CAPWIP Secretariat will assist the participants in the reconfirmation of their return flights.

21. Information about the Philippines

The Philippines is the third largest English speaking country in the world. It has a rich history combining Asian, European, and American influences. Prior to Spanish colonization in 1521, the Filipinos had a rich culture and were trading with the Chinese and the Japanese. Spain's colonization brought about the construction of Intramuros in 1571, a "Walled City" comprised of European buildings and churches, replicated in different parts of the archipelago. In 1898, after 350 years and 300 rebellions, the Filipinos, with leaders like Jose Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo, succeeded in winning their independence.

In 1898, the Philippines became the first and only colony of the United States. Following the Philippine-American War, the United States brought widespread education to the islands. Filipinos fought alongside Americans during World War II, particularly at the famous battle of Bataan and Corregidor which delayed Japanese advance and saved Australia. They then waged a guerilla war against the Japanese from 1941 to 1945. The Philippines regained its independence in 1946.

Filipinos are a freedom-loving people, having waged two peaceful, bloodless revolutions against what were perceived as corrupt regimes. The Philippines is a vibrant democracy, as evidenced by 12 English national newspapers, 7 national television stations, hundreds of cable TV stations, and 2,000 radio stations.

Filipinos are a fun-loving people. Throughout the islands, there are fiestas celebrated everyday and foreign guests are always welcome to their homes.

Climate: March to May is hot and dry. June to October is rainy, November to February is cool. Average temperatures: 78°F / 25°C to 90°F / 32°C; humidity is 77%.

Currency: The Philippines' monetary unit is the Peso, divided into 100 centavos. Foreign currency may be exchanged at any hotel, most large department stores, banks, and authorized money changing shops accredited by the Central Bank of the Philippines. International credit cards such as Visa, Diners Club, Bank of America Card, Master Card, and American Express are accepted in major establishments.

Language: The Philippines is the world's third-largest English-speaking country next to the United States and the United Kingdom. There are over 100 regional dialects. The national language is Filipino.

Visa requirements: For most foreign visitors, visas are not needed for stays of less than 21 days. Three-month visa can be obtained in advance and cost around US$35. Multiple-entry (lasting six to 12 months) visas are also available but are expensive and only allow for stays of 59 days at a time. Visa extensions are possible and generally faster to obtain in regional areas.

Basic tourist info: Information and tour brochures are available upon request. You can also the internet for more information on the Philippines:

22. Information Regarding Visas to the Philippines

The Philippine government allows nationals from certain countries to enter the country without visas for a stay not exceeding 21 days, provided they hold valid ticket for their return journey to port of origin or next port of destination. The Philippine Foreign Affairs Department also requires that passports are valid for a period of not less than six (6) months beyond the contemplated period of stay. But Immigration Officers at ports of entry may exercise their discretion to admit holders of passports valid for at least sixty (60) days beyond the intended period of stay.

Nationals from the following countries, however, must secure entry visas to the Philippines:

China, Peoples Republic of (PROC)
Croatia - Regular passport holders only; diplomatic and official passport holders do not need entry visas.
Cuba - Regular passport holders only; diplomatic and official passport holders do not need entry visas.
East Timor*
Egypt *
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)*
Russian Federation
Sierra Leone
Slovenia - Regular passport holders only; diplomatic and official passport holders do not need entry visas.
Sri Lanka*
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro)

* Nationals from these countries may only apply for 9(a) temporary visitor's visa at their country of origin or place of legal residence.

The following are also required entry visas to the Philippines:

Holders of Taiwanese passports
Holders of Documents of Identity (DI), Certificates of Identity (CI) or Travel Documents ("Titre de Voyage")
Stateless Persons

The following nationals are allowed to enter the Philippines without a visa for a stay not exceeding seven (7) days:

Holders of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) passports
Holders of British National Overseas (BNO) passports
Holders of Macau-Portuguese passports
Holders of Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) passports

Important Note: Nationals who are subjects of deportation/blacklist orders of the Department and the Bureau of Immigration shall not be admitted to the Philippines.

Further inquiries may be addressed to the Visa Division (Telephone numbers: (63 2 834-4854; 834-4853 & 834-4961), Department of Foreign Affairs, 2330 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Philippines or to any Philippine Embassy or Consulate abroad. Also, visit their website at:

Registration The Third Global Congress of Women in Politics
And Governance: Focus on Gender and Climate Change
Congress Venue: The Dusit Hotel Manila, Makati City, Philippines
Congress Schedule: 19-22 October, 2008

Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Philippines
( Tel (632) 8516934; Tele Fax (632) 8522112; mobile phone+639184596603
E-mail: ; ;

Name _________________________________________________________________________ Sex ( ) female ( ) male

Designation _________________________________________________ organization ______________________________________________

Educational background _________________________________________________________________________________________________




Tel no. _________________ Fax no. ____________________ E-mail address _________________________________

Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

who is funding your participation? ______________________________ How did you come to know about this congress?_______________

Seminars/Trainings/congresses attended related to gender and governance:






What do you expect to learn or achieve from this Congress?








Congress Cost Per participant with Twin Sharing Accommodation:
One thousand five hundred fifty five US Dollars (US$ 1,550.)

Congress Cost Per participant with Single Room Accommodation:
One thousand nine hundred fifty US Dollars (US$ 1,950)

These fees are inclusive of:

Congress fees
Transfer in and out of the hotel
Accommodations at the designated hotels
All congress materials
All meals during the congress
Accommodations(excluding meals) for one night before the congress (October 18,2008)

This fee, which does not include airfare and airport terminal fees, is non-refundable and must be paid in advance as soon as the reservation to the congress is confirmed. Congress fee payments should be sent/remitted to:

Account Name : Center for Asia-Pacific Women in Politics or CAPWIP
Account Number : 710 271000417 4
Account Type : U.S. Dollar Savings Account
Bank's Name : Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company (METROBANK)
Bank's Address : Magallanes Branch, Paseo de Magallanes, Magallanes Village, Makati City, PHILIPPINES

Please email us a copy of the wire transfer/remittance document as soon as funds have been remitted. Also, bring this document to the Congress for verification. Payments upon arrival are NOT allowed.

Unfortunately, scholarships are not available from the organizers. You are encouraged to seek your own funding from donor/funding agencies or your own institutions. The organizers will rely solely on the congress fees to fund the congress expenses.

All participants must confirm their attendance on or before July 31, 2008. Upon receipt of the confirmation of attendance by the Congress secretariat, payment for the congress fees should be remitted immediately. All accommodation types are available on a first-come first-served basis.

Please send the registration form and other pertinent documents to:

Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)
4227-4229 Tomas Claudio Street Baclaran, Parañaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines,
Tel: (632) 8516934; Tele Fax:(632) 8522112; mobile phone +639184596603
Email: ; ;
Web: ;


Please check accommodations needed:

Twin Sharing accommodations (US Dollars US$1,550. per person)

Single Room accommodations (US Dollars US$ 1,950. per person)

Flight details and Information:

Please specify expected dates of arrival and departure from the Philippines (if available)

Arrival: (date) _____________ (time) ________________ (airline & flight details) ______________
Departure :(date) _____________ (time)_____________ (airline & Flt details)________________

Special Dietary Requests:

Monday, October 27, 2008

Αψογο gadget..το θέλω..είναι ακριβό το άτιμο..

Δεν ξέρω αν το έχει δει κανείς αυτό το γκατζετάκι, αλλά εγώ μόλις το είδα το ερωτεύτηκα..μπορείς να κουβαλάς όσα βιβλία γουστάρεις μαζί σου όταν ταξιδεύεις, μπορείς να το κουβαλάς όπου θέλεις, δυστυχώς είναι μόνο στα αγγλικά, δυστυχώς είναι πανάκριβο..τριακόσια τόσα γιούρο..ελπίζω με τον καιρό και αν τ'αγαπήσει περισσότερος κόσμος να πέσει λίγο η τιμούλα του..τώρα το προωθεί η amazon..δεν το έχω δει πουθενά αλλού και δεν ξέρω γιατί..εγώ προσωπικά θα το αγόραζα..έστω κι έτσι..εννοώ ότι θέλει λίγο δουλίτσα με τις γλώσσες και με την τιμή ..κατά τα άλλα είναι άψογο..μπορείς να διαβάσεις εφημερίδες, να, για του λόγου το αληθές..πολλοί συγγραφείς μιλάν για πάρτη του..δείτε..
κι εδώ..

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My photobucket account

autumn, trikala, 2007

Now playing on RealPlayer: Tina Turner - What's Love Got to do With It
via FoxyTunes

My photobucket account

Photobucket Album

έχεις κάμερα?

Δεν ξέρω αν και άλλες γυναίκες αντιμετώπισαν την ίδια κατάσταση στο διαδίκτυο, αλλά εγώ τουλάχιστον το έχω ψιλοπρόβλημα..διαδίκτυο ή όχι, δεν μ’αρέσει να φέρομαι στους ανθρώπους άσχημα, αλλά μερικές φορές βρε παιδί μου, σε αναγκάζουν..υπάρχουν μερικά σάιτς που έχουν και τσατ ενσωματωμένο στο μέρος τους..είτε παιχνίδια είναι, είτε social networks, είτε διάφορα..μπαίνεις λοιπόν με όλη την καλή σου διάθεση, να πείς καμμιά κουβέντα, να γελάσεις με κανά μυστήριο, να μοιραστείς τέλος πάντων..θεμιτό δεν είναι? Άνθρωπος είσαι..το ίδιο που πας να κάνεις και σε καμμιά καφετέρια..πάς λοιπόν και δεν προλαβαίνεις να πάρεις χαμπάρι τι παίζει, αρχίζουν τα ιδιωτικά αιτήματα..ο τάδε θέλει να σας μιλήσει ιδιαιτέρως..θα μου πείτε δεν δέχεσαι..ναι, οκ, αλλά εντάξει ανθρώπινο είναι..το πρόβλημα είναι αλλού..υπάρχουν συγκεκριμένες εθνικότητες κιόλας που είναι πολύ γκάου..τούρκοι κυρίως..δεν ξέρουν λέξη αγγλικά και το πρώτο πράγμα που σε ρωτάν είναι: cam? Και οι μελαχροινοί..αυτοί λέν και καμμιά κουβέντα παραπάνω αλλά δεν δέχονται όχι για απάντηση..δηλαδή πρέπει σώνει και καλά..δηλαδή πρέπει να κλείνεις το μέσετζερ για κανα δίμηνο μέχρι να την πάρουν χαμπάρι..

Προσπαθείς να ανοίξεις καμιά συζήτηση, να πείς καμμιά κουβέντα..τίποτα ..εκεί..κάμερα?, ά, και το άλλο ..μόλις νιώθουν ότι κάτι δεν πάει καλά ρωτάν, ηλικία? Έτσι ξερά..δηλαδή, εγώ τα παίρνω στην κράνα..οι δικοί μας πάλι έχουν άλλο στυλάκι..προσπαθούν να σου περάσουν ενοχές..αχ πως θα την βγάλουμε την νύχτα κι απόψε? ν'ανοίξουμε καμμιά κάμερα στο σκίπι? ν'ανοίξεις παλληκάρι μου... δεν με λέτε βρε κορίτσια, αυτό είναι το συνηθισμένο κι εγώ είμαι η μυστήρια? Αυτή η δουλειά γίνεται? Κάμερες και ανωμαλία στο ίντερνετ? Εντάξει, σεβαστά τα πάθη, αλλά επιτρέψτε μου κι εμένα την επιλογή να μη μ’αρέσει ρε μάγκα μου αυτή η ιστορία..δεν μου πάει..δεν μου κολλάει..δεν μου λέει τίποτα..και δεν την ψάχνω στο έτσι..έχω ακούσει ότι το skype κρατάει τα σκήπτρα στην ιστορία αυτή και το απεγκατέστησα..πάει να πεί ότι για να μού’ρχεται εμένα τόσο συχνά μπροστά μου, που δεν την ψάχνω, ότι είναι το συνηθισμένο..κι ότι εγώ είμαι η μυστήρια..οκ το δέχομαι..και από την εμπειρία μου στο διαδίκτυο, δυό τρία χρόνια τώρα μέσα απ’το μέσετζερ και το διαδίκτυο ένα φίλο έχω κάνει μέχρι τώρα.. δηλαδή κάποιον που τον αισθάνομαι δικό μου άνθρωπο..φίλο φίλο..

Εντάξει ξέρω ότι υπάρχει μοναξιά..ή μάλλον απομόνωση..κι εγώ μόνη είμαι..αλλά εγώ το επέλεξα..την διάλεξα την μοναξιά μου..την ήθελα..την αγαπάω..μόνο έτσι μπορώ να λειτουργήσω, να δημιουργήσω ..την αποζητάω..όχι ότι δεν χρειάζομαι ανθρώπους, όχι ότι δεν χρειάζομαι αγάπη..αλλά δεν σκοπεύω να μασκαρέψω τις ανάγκες μου και να κρυφτώ πίσω από μια δήθεν ανωνυμία, πίσω από μια μάσκα, πίσω από ένα ψέμα στην τελική και να εκβιάσω επιφανειακές ικανοποιήσεις και αμφίβολη ευχαρίστηση..υπάρχουν χιλιάδες άλλες ικανοποιήσεις που μπορεί να μου προσφέρει το διαδίκτυο, έστω και αν θα είμαι μόνη, έστω και αν δεν θα μπορώ να τις μοιραστώ..να διαβάσω ένα ωραίο δημοσίευμα, να δώ ένα χιουμοριστικό βιντεάκι, να γράψω κάτι, να ψάξω να βρώ κανενός ωραίου ανθρώπου σελίδα, να γυρίσω τον χρόνο πίσω και να δω τι γινόταν δέκα χρόνια πριν την ίδια μέρα, να ταξιδέψω μέσα από φωτογραφίες κανενός ταξιδιώτη και χιλιάδες άλλα ωραία..

Ξέρω γω ρε παιδιά, δεν θέλω να το παίξω υπεράνω, αλλά νισάφι..από μας εξαρτάται , απ’τον καθένα μας ξεχωριστά, τι μορφή θα πάρει ο κόσμος από δω κι εμπρός..ζούμε σε δύσκολη καμπή και πρέπει ο καθένας μας να αναλάβει την ευθύνη του..η γράφουμε ιστορία η μένουμε πάλι στο περιθώριο κι αφήνουμε άλλους να δώσουν κατεύθυνση κι ο θεός βοηθός..και αυτή η φοβερή εφεύρεση που λέγεται κυβερνοχώρος μπορεί να γίνει εργαλείο για μια καλύτερη διαμόρφωση και στις σχέσεις και στον εαυτό μας και για τον ίδιο τον πλανήτη μας..

Saturday, August 02, 2008

my captain, let's go for an adventure once more?

είναι καλοκαίρι κι η ψυχή μου είναι ξεσηκωμένη..θέλω να φύγω για τυνησία, για μαρόκο, για μέρη μακρυνά..να χαθώ στις παλιές μου αναζητήσεις και σε καινούργιες περιπέτειες, καλοκαιράκι..πόσο χαζοί είμαστε ..καθόμαστε και αφήνουμε τις μέρες να περνάν..κι ο κόσμος βουίζει σα μελίσι γύρω μας..θέλω να πετάξω ακόμα μία..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sunday, June 08, 2008

one image, one thousand words..

Bloggers Unite

Monday, May 05, 2008

mozilla - the best browser!

i'm fed up with explorer's problems..
Firefox 2

Saturday, May 03, 2008

from and take care..

Crack Deal Caught On Google Maps?

MORE: camera, car, drugs, google, google maps, picture, questionable, trouble


Allegedly this is a picture of a crack deal caught using the "Street View" feature on Google Maps. It's in Chicago. Now why everyone is jumping to the conclusion that this is some kind of drug deal is beyond me. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for the picture that doesn't involve illicit substances, and I think this is it: Somebody was lost, and pulled over for directions. The guy in the picture there knows the area really well, so he provided significant help. The driver was so happy about this that they tipped the man graciously with a handful of cash. See? Perfect sense. It's just a good Samaritan being handsomely rewarded. For selling the best rocks in Chicago.

See the real close-up picture of the deal after the jump.


Google Maps

Thanks to Winaki, who just says no to shady drug deals in front of street cameras, for the tip

Thursday, May 01, 2008

μήπως μεγαλοπιανόμαστε?

Μπά! πάντα μας άρεσε να ανακατεύουμε τον κόσμο όλο! και το διαδίκτυο είναι εικονικά ο κόσμος όλος..γι'αυτό κι εμείς..ανακατευόμαστε παντού..με τις καλύτερες προθέσεις, βέβαια..πάντα..
Add to Technorati Favorites

Thursday, April 10, 2008

on the road friend, my man, my soul..

no comments..

Sunday, March 02, 2008

springs'wish: wish everybody finds his "everything" ..and let's listen to some Barry White..just to escape from ungliness..

δεν ξέρω πως να το φτιάξω αυτό..

Google Groups

Subscribe to stolen email address and unauthorised use


Visit this group

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sunday, February 03, 2008

YouTube - Greek judge on hunger strike

YouTube - Greek judge on hunger strike
there is something rotten in the reign of danimarkia...but mouths are closed..the first thing they were obliged to say was that there are decent and honest judges ..we are asking them to support our struggle ..nobody answered.. instead ..the whole thing was burried...completely...where are the honest judges? the honest lawyers? the honest people? we better look our work , our prosperity..and we are not gonna save the world..let it be saved by itself..ooh! brother!
THE EMBENDING WAS must click on the title to watch it and take it further will only be doing some good! thanks anyway!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


20 Ιανουάριος 2008 4:40 πμ
Στο χάραμα..
Είν’αυτή η ώρα.. Η μέρα έχει φύγει προ πολλού, με την οχλαγωγία και την διεκδίκησή της..η ΄νύχτα κι αυτή έχει αποσυρθεί σιγά σιγά..είναι η ώρα αυτή..η ώρα που ο καθένας μένει μόνος..απέναντι στη ζωή του και στον εαυτό του..παράπονα, προσδοκίες, προδοσίες..όλα χωνεύονται αυτή τη στιγμή..τη στιγμή που το σκοτάδι είναι πιό σκοτεινό..λίγο πριν χαράξει..
Είν’η ώρα που επεμβαίνει ο αστάθμητος παράγοντας..ναι..ότι και να’χεις κάνει, όσο και νάχεις αγωνιστεί..ανάλογα πόσο έχεις πονέσει και πονάς όμως..κάποιο θείο χέρι έρχεται ερήμην σου ..τη στιγμή που κοιτάς χωρίς να βλέπεις..και σκουπίζει λίγο το μέτωπο..
Εκεί κάπου ακούγεται στο βάθος το τραγούδι της ζωής σου κι ας μη το ακούς..δεν αναιρείται τίποτα..ούτε τίποτα σου χαρίζεται.. Ή ίσως και κάπου κάτι να χαρίζεται..
Μπορεί εκεί να κρύβεται όλο το μεγαλείο..
Της στιγμής..και του εφήμερου..
Ε’ιναι τα δάκρυα μαζεμένα..και το παράπονο φτάνει στον ουρανό..γλυκά..
Κάπου έδωσες..κάτι θα λάβεις..
Κάτι δεν έδωσες..ποτέ δεν θα λάβεις..
Ή ίσως ένα μάθημα..πολύτιμο..
Έτσι κι αλλιώς..
Δεν αναρείται τίποτα..
Ισως να προστίθεται..
Και γίνεται ο πόνος πιο ανεκτός..
Και σου γράφει την επόμενη μέρα
Ο θεός..

Thursday, January 17, 2008

widget from nat.geographic

didn't try it yet, but it would be super if it could ease up the difficulties of signing in to blogger

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

my heals the soul pain