i wish to all a bloomed spring and wish we have as many springs as we need in our lives and may they all lead to a mature and enlightened summer! From all the days that have been established and i generally am against this , as if we couldn't festive all the important things every day in our lives and honor and give attention to, without having to be reminded by a superior authority, anyway, from all these days, the spring day and the poetry day are two days that i liked the idea and honored them the way i could for the moment..my mistake of course, i go against my beliefs, that say to give and take the most out of everything..but but but we put sometimes burdens by ourselves or by some moral principles sometimes.
The spring day gave me a feeling like we go back to some forgotten rituals, that old long gone women should do, when we still had strong relationship with the earth and we were depending on her, and i imagine women with long beautiful white dresses decorated with flowers and on their hair flowers and with big baskets in their hands, singing and praying to mother earth and to the powers of the universe..i wish i could find a song that can give me the same feeling to put it here, but we are so so far away now from this era, where all were smelling fresh and innocent, and night was falling with mingled fear and relief and a kind of wild expectation inside, the promises of the new day or the dangers of the dark ? and you were trying to tell through the whispers of the trees and the noises of nature what each one means and which one is for you..
Anyway, that is almost the taste i had when they told me that this is the spring day..
The real taste was less tasty and more common, like any other day, i just went to a gathering and heard some songs, and talked with some other women..not bad , not bad at all..
I thank life..if i stop and think for one moment that other women , and men, are tortured at the same time, by hunger, by war, by violence, by lack of the essentials..it was a lovely evening..
So i wish us all , all people that we find at last a spring where our souls will be satisfied and well.
But i understand this cannot happen this year, so i wish us all we have a nice spring, inside the limit of the possible.
(photo is mine)
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